Chrysler Repair: Jeep dies when put into gear, jeep grand cherokee laredo, jeep grand cherokee
QuestionI own a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4.0 L and I haven't had any probs. until today when it died on me. It blew a 20 amp mini fuse that was located under the hood. I went to the owner's manual to see what the fuse was and the owner's manual was different from the diagram in the fuse cover of the Jeep. I replaced the fuse and the Jeep started and ran fine. As soon as you put the vehicle into gear it blows the fuse and kills the Jeep. Then you put in a new fuse, it runs fine until you put it into gear. Do you know what is causing this fuse to blow? I don't even know what this fuse is because I can not find it in the owner's manual and does not say anything on the fuse cover, just that from the picture from the fuse cover sort of in the middle the horn is on top then trans., and then 6 mini fuses below those (3 on top and 3 on bottom). It is the bottom middle one the 20 amp that keeps blowing when you put it in gear. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated!
Answeralright if i have the correct fuse that fuse goes to your engine computer but that does not mean that your engine computer is causing this fuse to blow it could be a wire touching ground when u put it in gear as well.
OK this fuse is between a 15 amp and another 20 amp correct?
If so let me know and send me an email with a reference to this post and I will send u a wire diagram of that circuit so u can see what u are looking for as for as a wire issue.