Questionwhere are the spark plugs located on motor in 2000 Chrysler 300M 3.5 litre are they under the six separate coil on top or are they under the top cover (to much stuff on top of these new motors don't want to break any thing) thanks for your help
AnswerHi Terry,
The plugs are under the separate coils, but because each plug has its own spark coil you will not see the plug until you remove the spark coil for it. To get to the plug you have to remove the spark coil.
First remove the wire connector to the coil. On the 3.2/3.5L engine coil you have to loosen the screws by alternating back and forth. Do not lose the spacers under the coil when removing the screws. Remove 2 fasteners from ignition coil.
Remove the coil
Remove rubber boot from the plug: twist boot 1/2 turn and pull straight back in steady motion.
Remove the spark plug
Inpect the spark plug
To install:
Begin by installing plug by hand to avoid cross threading
Tighten plug to 20 ft-pound (3.2/3.5L)
Install rubber boot onto ignition coil
Install ignition coil and boot on spark plug
Install coil screws and tighten to about 5 foot-pounds (don't overdue and strip the threads however)
Conneect the electrical connector.
Your caution in seeking details is well taken!
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