Chrysler Repair: 1999 Concorde Heater Issue Code 36, concorde lxi, communication failure
QuestionRoland, I received a response from you on 11/15 regarding my Concorde blowing cool air when the car is idle. Here was my original question "I have a 1999 Concorde LXI. When I have the heat on (climate control) and I pull up to a stop light or just let the car idle (warm up), the air that comes out is cool. However when I press the gas, the warm air picks up again. Why do you think cool air blows out when the car is stopped (idle) but once in motion the warm air kicks back in??? Any ideas prior to taking it in to be evaluated." You recommended I run a self test and let you know the results. The code that came back was "36". What does this mean and were do I go from here??? Thanks in advance.....Pete
AnswerHi Pete
The title of that code is 'ATC control communication failure'. I don't have the troubleshooting manual for the ATC but as I reviewed the wiring diagram of the ATC control it is really not that complicated itself. The only communication wire is from pin 2 of its 12-pin plug to pin 4 of the gray plug of the body control module (on the back side of the fuse box under the dash), a so-called 'PCI bus' wire. So my inclination would be to check that wire from one plug to the other, and then to open up the ATC itself and check that the solder joint between the socket pin for the wire and the circuit board is solid (may be reheat it with a solder pencil).
So give that a try and see what happens.
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