Chrysler Repair: 2001 Neon, neon question, dumb questions
QuestionQUESTION: The inside dome light stays on...all of the doors are closed and the switch on the instrument panel is off. What else could be the cause?
ANSWER: what switch on the instrument panel?
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QUESTION: I knew you would give me a dumb answer. The switch on the steering column (left side). Do you have the answer to why the light stays on or not?
Answerooh u knew I would give u a dumb answer sorry for being so precise with your question. I haft to ask the dumb questions because I get all walks of car knowledge on this forum and 30 plus of them a day. But back to your question yeah i know why they wont turn off but U know what I think u are a smart guy u might be able to figure it out. Here is a clue it is staring u right in the face.Maybe next time U will not chastise the answerer.