QuestionHI... I have changed the thermostat in my 95 Intrepid.
It is still blowing no heat and boiling like crazy in the resivoir. The hose to the thermostat is hot, ...I am lost.
AnswerHi Jeremy,
Two possibilies: You have air trapped in the system or your radiator is clogged. On the first, there is a procedure to follow when you service the cooling system and then go to refill it. You could start at that point in this overall description for draining and refilling:
Starting with a system that has been drained via the radiator:
Close radiator drain, hand tighten only
Install cylinder block drain plugs if removed earlier (located behind each exhaust manifold)
Attach one end of 1/4 inch ID clear hose that is 4 feet long to the bleed valve on the thermostat housing. Route the hose away from the accessory drive belt, drive pulley, and electric fan. Place the other end into a clean container. The hose will prevent coolant from contacting the accessory drive belt when bleeding the system during refill operations.
Open the bleed valve
Slowly fill coolant fill coolant pressure bottle until a steady stream of coolant flows from hose attached to the bleed valve.
Gently squeeze upper radiator hose until all air is removed from system.
Close bleed valve and continue filling to the top of the coolant deaeration pressure bottle.
Install cap on coolant pressure bottle
Remove hose from bleed valve
For the second, check to see if the manifolds on the sides of the radiator are similar in temperature or if one side is cold and the other hot. The latter situation would suggest that the coolant is not flowing across the tubing from one side to the other due to blockage.
It could also be that your water pump is not working well but that is an outside chance I would not pursue until everything else is checked out.
If you have been loosing fluid from the system with no apparent hose leaks or boil over, or with early bubbling sounds when you start from cold, or with excess steam from the tailpipe when you start from cold, then that would indicate that one of the head gaskets is leaking and requires replacement.
Once you sort out which of those applies then see if your heat is better. Check to see if the two hoses that go thru the fire wall are about equal in temperature. If not, then that would suggest a flow restriction thru the heater core.
Good luck on this and please let me know what you learn.