Chrysler Repair: 1996 Chrysler T&C. Automatic shutdown when accelerating, powertrain control module, roland roland

Vehicle shuts down under high acceleration, (or just open the throttle wide in the driveway). This blows the fuse(labeled "engine") in the under hood Power Dist. Center, right of battery. This is either fuse #12 or #17 depending on which circuit diagram you look at. The drivers manual says #17 but that is the ABS and unlikley to be the problem. # 12 is the one indicated in Alldata diagram and that feeds the ASD relay, THE ONE!  BUT what is causing the fuse to blow??

Hi John,
The possibilities are: the spark coil or coil pack (depending upon which engine), fuel injectors, the generator field coils, the oxygen sensors, or the powertrain control module. If you had an ohmmeter that sensed current by inductive pick-up around each of these devices (looking at the dark green/orange wire that supplies it) you could sense which is shorting out or overdrawing the fuse. Unfortunately, except for the oxygen sensors and field coils you can't disconnect the supply line without killing the engine in order to test it. So at least disconnect the ones that you can, and then consider if you can borrow a meter, or I can possibly tell you where the interconnects are that you might jumper and thus gain access for insertion of a standard amp meter in order to assess what is drawing so much current.
Let me know what you learn and how I can be of further help. Also, tell me which engine you have.