Chrysler Repair: Follow up 1993 Eagle Vision : code 66, how to troubleshoot, powertrain control module, transmission control module
QuestionI retrivied the fault codes from the OBD System reguarding the transmission shift problem I asked you about last week the code i recieved is a 66 (PCM is not recieving CCD Bus signial)I checked all the wiring I could access even removing the lower half of the dashboard in the process to examine the BCM module. I found nothing wrong. Do you think I should replade the PCM ?
AnswerHi James,
The way to figure out what if anything to replace is: erase the memory by disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. The memory will then show only a code 12
Then with the ignition switch "on", in-turn try disconnecting the transmission control module, powertrain control module, anti-lock brake module, instrument cluster, vehicle theft security module, turn off the ignition for 2 minutes and then disconnect the air bag module, auto temp control module, overhead travel info center, and finally the body control module. After each such disconnection read the fault messages: if there is no code 66 that would implicate the module that you just disconnected as the faulty one. If there is a code 66, then erase the codes and reattach the one that you did disconnect and move through the list in this manner one at a time until you find the one that when removed results in no longer there being a code 66.
That is the idea I get from reading the manual for CCD bus troubleshooting only they suggest using a DRB message instead of looking for the 66 to disappear. I think it is the same idea.