QuestionQUESTION: Hi Kevin,
I was wondering if you could tell me where the forward/in front of the converter oxygen sensors are on a 1999 sebring jxi and what does it involve to replace them? I just spent $600 on rotor, and cap after trying to do it myself on the plugs and wires and screwing that up, but I understand that the oxygen sensors are quite easy? Is this true? Your help is greatly appreciated. Dave
ANSWER: what engine size?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
I would love for you to look at it, but I live in Connecticut, so I don't think that it's possible...anyways, it's a V6 2.5 Liter. Does this help? Dave
Raise and support vehicle.
Disconnect electrical connector from sensor.
Remove sensor using an oxygen sensor crow foot wrench such as Snap-On tool YA8875 or equivalent Oxygen Sensor 1/1 Upstream
After removing the sensor, the exhaust manifold threads must be cleaned with an 18 mm X 1.5 + 6E tap. If reusing the original sensor, coat the sensor threads with an anti-seize compound such as Loctite® 771-64 or equivalent. New sensors have compound on the threads and do not require an additional coating. Tighten the sensor to 28 N·m (20 ft. lbs.) torque.
Connect electrical connector to sensor.
Lower vehicle