Chrysler Repair: Chrysler 300 dash/speedo problem, speedometer needle, 2006 chrysler 300
Questionhi, i have a 2006 chrysler 300 with 28k. few days ago a intermittent problem starts that while i am driving the speedometer needle goes to zero and all lights like seat belt,abs,brake etc come on and within few seconds everything goes back to normal. the car drives normally during this period.
AnswerHi Arvinder,
The model year is a bit too new for me to have a shop manual. However, I believe there is probably a single fuse in the fuse box under the dash that has a crack in it which "opens" (cutting off current) and then because it isn't conducting current it cools down and reconnects. On the late '90's vehicle this was the #1 fuse but I don't know if that is the case in your '06. See if any of the fuses are labeled as to being for the cluster and if so take a look at that one for that possibility. Removing the voltage source for the cluster will cause the loss of several gauges and likely the illumination of some of the warning lamps. That is my best guess.
The other possibility is that one section of the ignition switch "opens" mommentarily. You could try jiggling the key in the lock when this happens to see if that would provoke a functional recovery.
If neither approach seems to work, you may have to wait for the condition to be chronic to troubleshoot it properly. Because the vehicle is likely under warranty you might go to a dealer and at least get a service receipt that showed you had inentified a problem and then have a fall-back document for a warranty claim in the future when it can be diagnosed but may be beyond the warranty period.