Chrysler Repair: 1997 Chrysler Cirrus: Check engine light/no codes, chrysler cirrus, 1997 chrysler cirrus
QuestionHi, my daughter has a 97 Chrysler Cirrus v6 with 90,000. miles. Her check engine light came on and I had a friend check it with his computer. No trouble codes are showing. He tuned it up and reset the check engine light. The ligh came back on approx. one hour later. Do you have any idea on what could be causing the light to come on. Thank's.
AnswerHi Gary,
I don't believe there is any other explanation than that there has been a fault detected by the computer that affects the emissions from the tailpipe. Other types of codes will set, but not accompanied by the light. So I would suggest you see if an Autozone parts store, if you have one nearby, is able to get a code number out. They often will do that without cost. Your friend's reader may not be compatible. The '97 year was early OBD-II so the numbers may possibly be in OBD-I framework.
Try turning the ignition key "on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light which remains "on" to begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat to assure an accurate count. Then group the numbers in pairs in the order of appearance to form the 2-digit fault codes (OBD-I). The last one is always 55, meaning end of readout. Then go to for a translator. This approach may not work for you; in that case get the readout at Autozone or an independent garage.
Write back with the numbers and I can give you advice at that point.