Chrysler Repair: 1994 Concorde blowing ECU fuses when hot, amp fuse, highway trips
QuestionMy Concorde (3.3L w/AC) (150K miles) has blown the main ECU fuse four times in the last 12 months after being driven for more than 2-3 hours (highway trips). The last time the engine started again, but the alternator went out and 15 miles later it died (all panel lights on incl shifter positions with key removed).
Lately it intermittently won't shift out of first gear (3K-3.2K rpms at about 30 mph) and smells really hot. Sat overnight and runs OK today - 15 mins driving (so far).
AnswerHi Larry,
Do you mean 20 amp, fuse B, or not? If so that one powers not only the ecu put also the tcu and the injectors and the coil pack. So you will want to individually measure the resistance of all the circuits to figure out which is overdrawing the fuse. Let me know whether you have an ohmmeter and I can give you some locations to take measurements.