Chrysler Repair: car wont start, coil wire, solid state

my car died while driving and now I cant start the car at all I've tried getting a spark from the coil wire and there isnt one. I've tried the coil and replaced and it still doesn't work. I'm not getting spark there at all.dont have any ideas if you can help I would appreciate it. thank you

Hi Josh,
It would really help to know the year, model, and engine of the car! About all I can suggest is that one part that often fails in that manner, and would kill the spark, is one (of one, or in some models two) that tells the computer where the engine is sitting in its rotational cycle so as to accurately time the spark. No signal, no spark. It (they) are called the spark sensor or the crank/cam sensors. These are solid-state devices that have replaced the points inside the distributor (and even the distributor itself in the newer models) and they will usually fail as they get heated up, then recover when they cool down, or even not recover at all.
So all I can suggest without knowing your car is to look into that sort of thing. If you can send me the specifics I can be more specific.