Chrysler Repair: 2001 crystler 300m takes awhile to crank, crystler, miss fire
Questionmy car takes 3 to 4 seconds to crank after turning to the on position. I have to hold the key in the "on" positions for seconds before it will crank. I have had the lights on the dash flicker on and off. The engine light has been on for months. I have had diagnostic readings from the crystler dealer that only shows a "multiple misfire" code. I have had the gas line cleaned ($157.00) I have had the coil pack and plugs changed ($297.00). I have had a so-called engine cleaner ($100.00). But nothing seems to work and no one can tell me what the problem is.
Answernext time u start it up cycle the key 3 times but don't start it up. On the 4th time go all the way and start it up if u fire right up then u have a fuel pump that is not holding prime and will need a new one. As for the miss fire do u feel it miss? I live in ATlanta