Chrysler Repair: 96 T&C: No starter motor action, infinite ohms, neutral safety switch
Questionwhats up roland does not click or anything when u turn the key acts as if is in gear not park or neutral changed ignition switch but still the same is there any way to bypass the neutral safety switch @ check if that is the problem
AnswerHi Justice,
Yes, go to the power distribution center box under hood where you will find the starter motor relay. Have a helper try the ignition switch while you listen or feel the relay to determine if the points are closing or not (quiet click). If it does then it is not the ignition switch or the neutral/park safety switch, but rather the starter motor solenoid, the starter motor, or the direct wire from the battery to the starter motor, or the brown wire from the relay to the solenoid. If it doesn't click then it is either the ignition switch or the park/neutral safety switch. Try starting it with the gear shift slightly shifted off P or N or even in another gear to test that possibility.
If you pull the relay you will find one pin has 12V on it all the time. If you jump directly across to the opposite side the starter solenoid should click and the starter motor spring into action. The other two pins will have no voltage on them, but one will show 12V when the ignition switch is switched to "start" (that would test the ignition switch). The opposite pin should show 0 ohms to ground (the battery - post) when the gear is in P or N and show infinite ohms to ground in the other gears.
So that is how to sort out this question.