Chrysler Repair: 98 Caravan 3.0L wont start (code 54), pulley bolt, crank pulley

Hi Roland, thanks for taking my question.
Have a 98 Caravan SE 6cyl 3.0L 97K.  Initially ran 'jerky', now starts intermittently.  Did on-off-on-off-on key sequence and got code 54 (camshaft sense from what I've read).  Replaced entire distributor (with used one)-no change.  With original dist. back in, got it to start, then unplugged the dist. sensor connector (it died of course).  This gave me codes 54 AND 11.  Question: what will give only a code 54 (and not also 11; if the sensor was going bad I would suspect both should come up together all the time).
Fuel supply looks good (didn't pressure test; just filled up 8oz. container during 4sec. of cranking).
Spark from coil wire very suspect when problem manifests - healthy (1/4 inch), but only about 2 per second while cranking (but many per sec. when starting properly).
Thanks for your help!

Hi Ken,
That is really unique because the 54 code is for an OBD-I system and by '98 all vehicles should have the OBD-II system of codes. Are you located outside the U.S.?
The 3.0L engine does indeed have the cam sensor in the distributor, and in its latter incarnations the crank sensor moved from also being in the distributor to being separate at the rear of the engine. I wonder if the replacement distributor that you got was set up with the hall effect sensor (which is correct for the later years) or the photooptic sensor of the early years. In any case, I would suggest that you check the wiring from the cam sensor plug to the powertrain controller: the orange wire should have 8V on it when the engine is running, and the voltage between the black/light blue and the tan/yellow should oscillate between 5V and 0.3V once every revolution of the engine (which you probably will have to measure by turning it over by hand using a ratchet on the crank pulley bolt).
The wires go to pins 43 and 33 respectively of your controller. There may also be an ambiguity about the code, as the 54 might also be saying there is a problem with either the cam OR the crank sensor. So before getting another distributor you might also do a similar check of the voltage output of the crank sensor that is set up to look at the flex plate.
Please let me know what you learn.