Chrysler Repair: 1978 Cordoba - interior lights wont shut off, lamp intensity, variable intensity
QuestionWe took switches out of both doors. Wires were not worn. Disconnected switch, lights still stayee on. Looked in manual, found fuses related to interior lights (#7 ). #7 was blown - removed it and lights still stayed on. #9 fuse was cloudy but not blown but when removed, lights went out but then I had no brake lights. New Fuse for #9 won't go back in. Put new fuse #7 back in, interior lights came back on but would not shut off when door was closed.I recently had air conditioning worked on. Right now, battery needs to be disconnected so interior lights don't drain the new battery I just bought. Help! Any suggestions?
AnswerHi Ron,
I wonder of the manually operated interior light control switch that is associated with the headlamp switch (usually its the extreme position of the rotary variable intensity dash lighting control switch) might be what is keeping your lamps "on" all the time. So try adjusting the dash lamp intensity switch to both ends of its range of movement to see if that might be the cause. That may be all that is the problem. If fuse #9 "won't go back in" then that needs to be looked at more closely as to why. Perhaps there is a short in the fuse box that is causing the problem, or the fuse is not the right size dimensionally.