Chrysler Repair: 2002 T&C intermitent P0456, charcoal canister, gas cap
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Kevin:
I have a P0456 setting on a 2002 T&C very intermittently...once every 3 or 4 months. I tighten gas cap, check evap lines, all look ok. Any suggestions?
ANSWER: cracked lines some where in the evap system.I live in Atlanta and I could look at it for u.
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QUESTION: In particular do you know which line usually cracks. Is it visible to the eye? I'm a Chevy Tech Expert on this site.
AnswerI have seen it under the air filter housing. To the charcoal canister,right in that area is the most any crack what so ever will cause this.Large evap can also be gas cap. Dont clear the codes just let it run for 4 full days 3 good drive cycles if it passes it will turn out the light on its own and u know u have it fixed. The only other way is to have a scanner that can force run the test for ya like Chryslers DRB.