Chrysler Repair: Can A/C be run without the engine running?, engine crankshaft, buick regal
Questionhow can i run the a/c on a 98 buick regal ls w/o turining on the ignition and idling the car when parked for long periods?
how long can i use battery power alone?
and is there anything i can do to enhance the battery power
or use an accessory or portable device to hook up the a/c to?
liek some charger
and how would i do this?
AnswerHi Francis,
The refrigerant system that cools the air is only operable by the compressor which unfortunately is only powered by the drivebelt that operates off the engine crankshaft. So the engine has to operate if the A/C is to be run. There is no way to do it other than that. A battery, if it could be used to power an electric motor to then operate the compressor, would not run very long before loosing its stored energy. The system just needs too much power to be operated in any other way. I suspect that hybrid vehicle may have enough battery capacity to do that, but not a conventional vehicle.