Chrysler Repair: 99 Chrysler T&C mini van ck engine, speed sensors, trans work

QUESTION: I had a new "rebuilt" trans put in my T&C van, shortly thereafter the "relay sensors" went out -- my car wouldn't drive over 40 MPH.  It has been about 6 months or less and now my car has been "rough" to start...sort of not wanting to start right away.  Today, check engine light came on and I experienced the NOT going over 40 MPH thing again.

Is is related?  I'd think so.  I brought it back to the same place I brought it in for trans work.  When my relay sensors went bad within a month they charged me $200 to fix.  I complained to owner (should have been completed w/ trans overhaul), so the owner 'generously comped me labor' and just made me pay $80 for parts.  

I'm nervous now that they will say it is something else, not related to trans work.  

My car does have 145k......

Your thoughts?

ANSWER: whats a relay sensor??    do u mean speed sensors?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Maybe it was a speed sensor.  My car would not shift gears, and it would not go over 40 mph.

humm I really hate to tell u this  if they were Chrysler speed sensors installed  u get a 12 month 12k warranty on the parts. SO a month later u should not have had to pay for them. I have an idea on the starting part  why did they rebuild the tranny ne way?I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.