QuestionQUESTION: hi,
I have 1999 Chrysler Concorde LXI . just want to ask you, when i drive my car for like 30 minutes or more and then after that when i oark my car and turn it off then after the while i hear some bubbling grulling sound from my coolant,and some steam comes out drom the collant hole, but temprerature is fine its not heating up and coolant is not leaking. Plz tell me is that normal or is there something wrong.
ANSWER: what engine size do u have and no its not normal. Make sire the cap is on tight u press down then turn it. The look for pink crusty stuff for a sign of leaks.I live in the Atlanta area I would be glad to look at it for u.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have 3.2 engine,and the cap is tight, this model have only coolant bottle and it doesn't have radiator, some mechanics told me this is normail sound, but i am still confused, plz give me any solution, i live in michigan.
Answerof course it has a radiator. It just dose not have the cap on the radiator. U could have an air bubble in there some where there is a bleeder valve on the inlet side of the water jacket 10mm socket and u can loosen it up when the car is running and hot that will let some of the air out. Be carefull it will be flowing out the hole.