Chrysler Repair: 1995 Jeep 5.2 V8- code 33, clutch actuation, compressor clutch

Hi Roland,
you've always been so helpful in the past..
We did the error code on the above vehicle, and got a code of 33- can you tell me what that may specifically do to the vehicle..and possibly how to fix it?

Hi Linda
I don't know for sure if the code numbers for Jeeps are the same as for Chrysler products but the 33 means that there is a failure of the AC compressor clutch actuation circuit. If you have no issues with the AC then it may not be the correct translation of the code for a Jeep system. If you are having a problem then it could either be the relay or its wiring or it could also be that the refrigerant level in the system is too low or too high. The circuit is not going to operate if the refrigerant level is not correct. So for what it is worth that is the best I can do for lack of a Jeep-specific manual. Good luck on resolving this.