Chrysler Repair: car having a problem starting (inconsistent), dodge grand caravan, fuse box

I have a 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan with approximate 194000kms. Every now and again the car will not start...turns over but will not start! THE IGNITION COIL WAS REPLACED TWO WEEKS AGO TO TRY AND SOLVE THE PROBLEM TO NO AVAIL....ISSUE STILL OCCURRED ! After waiting a few minutes it will flashed on the odometer screen the last time I had the issue were P 1684 P 0353 P 0352 P 0351 then DONE !  Please advise or give a rough idea of how to solve this inexpensively ! Thank You !

no such thing as an inexpensive fix ne more. The codes are for ign coil ckt. U migth have a bad pcm,wires,ground.UNplug on of the injectors see if u have power with the van key on at brown white wire. The with some one else starting the van up same injector see if u are getting a pulse ground on the other wire. If u dont have power check the fuse 16/25 amp in the fuse box. If u dont have ground then u have a pcm issue and need a new one more then likely. But don't get one just yet  see what u have and get back to me.