Chrysler Repair: A/C Repair 2002 Chrysler Concorde, chrysler concorde, 2002 chrysler concorde
QuestionQUESTION: Just had compressor, dryer belt, pressure valve, etc. replaced on a 2002 Chrysler Concorde (over $1,000). Not sure if mechanics know what they are doing but they told me what the problem was and I agreed to pay their estimated price. However, A/C still not cooling. The guy said the only other thing it could be was the condenser and said that is even more expensive. Do I have a right to demand he fix the A/C at his cost. What else could it be and how much to replace condenser?
ANSWER: first of all b4 u had stuff replaced did they even tell u what was wrong or were they guessing?? The condenser is the big flat looking peace upfront. All it does is take away teh heat from the AC system and let it go into the air. The only way it would be bad if there was a leak or something stopped up inside it. The compressor would be bad from 3 different things. One was the Ac clutch was not holding the not making the inside of the compressor to spin and pump. 2 makes noise and the inside is locked up. 3 the inside is not spinning at all and no pressure is being made. So need to find out what really is the issue that they found or think they found and go from there. I can't tell u if u can get any money back because i dont know what u agreed to and what stuff u signed at there shop that is be between u and them. Me personaly i would ask for a manager and see what u can get done or proof that what they replaced was actually defective and not just guessing at it. Like what was the AC pressures were b4 the compressor was replaced and after it was replaced. DONT REPLACE NE THING ELSE
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for response! I agreed to get AC fixed for price paid. I'll ask questions you suggest. Seems to cool in the morning when outside temps are cooler, but in the heat of the day blows hot air. Also switched from auto to manual and cooling stopped. Went back to auto and still hot. Shut off for a while and it seemed to cool some in auto. Does this mean anything? Also, can condenser be cleaned or must be replace. How much to replace condenser (ballpark)?
AnswerU know what u can do to get the condenser out of your mind start the car let it warm up let the outside temp be hot as hell o get a garden hose and wait for the ac to stop working. Spray the condenser with water and see if it starts to cool again. I would take a wild ass guess and say u have a burnt up fan motor on the ac side. U have 2 one for rad and one for ac. See if they even come on when u have the ac on.