Chrysler Repair: 1999 Chrysler 300m Needs A/C Coolant Recharge, drive belts, chrysler 300m
QuestionQUESTION: Hello,
The coolant for the A/C on my Chrysler 300M needs to be recharged and I have no clue where the valve is to hook up the coolant. Can you help me with a description of where to look or possibly a diagram?
ANSWER: Hi Eileen,
There is a high and low pressure side valve on the compressor. The low pressure side is the one closer to the drive belt. I have not personally tried to add coolant from a can to my system because I prefer to have it done with the accessory gauges and knowledge of an A/C service person. But in any case, I believe you attach the valve to the low pressure side fitting on the compressor and then follow the directions.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Roland,
Thanks for the quick response. Do you know where the compressor is located? I think I may found it but not sure - in the front left hand side of the car hiding under the battery recharge hookup? It is a small cylinder shaped device with a cap marked 'top'?
AnswerHi Eileen,
I believe that you haven't located it. It should be on the passenger side of engine compartment, held by a bracket on the upper corner of the engine, very close to the radiator, and it is driven by one of the drive belts that goes around the pulley on the front bottom of the engine. It has large and small diameter hoses attached to the top of it and the valves are associated with those hoses and the fittings that attach them to the compressor. So start the engine and look to see those devices that are powered by the drive belts on the front of the engine and you should find it.
But given how unfamiliar you are with this system I wonder whether you should be adding the refrigerant to it? It may be penny-wise but pound-foolish to be doing it yourself. If you make a mistake, the cost for correcting it may be larger than the amount that you may seve in this endeavor.