Chrysler Repair: 1995 Lebaron: fuse #8 blows, digital ohmmeter, fuse blows
QuestionMy mini trip computer registers all the latest data but only displays for a brief moment when I first start the car and then clicks off. I am also regularly blowing fuse #8 for the interior dash lights ( I don't have the digital dash). Any suggestions for this electrical problem?
AnswerHi Teresa,
Fuse 8 is used to power the body computer, and the parking/tail lamps and the anti-theft module if you have one, and also via the body computer the illumination of the instrument panel. There are a lot of bulbs involved and so I believe that one of them is probably shorted out which blows the fuse. Have you checked to see if you have parking and tail light function, which is likely to be gone if #8 blows. You can check around the car to see any bulb is out (before the fuse blows) and replace that one, or you may have to take an ohmmeter to the circuit plugs to search for a supply wire that shows a short to ground. Let me know if you have a simple digital ohmmeter and I can give you some suggestions on how to find the short that is blowing the fuse. Then let's see if that helps on the trip computer or not later.