Chrysler Repair: 1996 chrysler LHS fans dont work, 1996 chrysler lhs, check fuse
QuestionThe electric fans don't come on when the car warms up, neither fan.
AnswerHi Bob,
I have the '94 and the '98 manuals and so I can't be sure which is accurate. The fans are powered by a fuse(s), and the power to the fans is regulated by relays which also need a small fuse to actuate properly, and the relays are activated by a coolant temp sensor or the AC unit itself. If the fans don't come on when you ask for defrost or AC cooling, then the problem is not the temperature sensor, as the fans come right on regardless of temp of the coolant if you ask for defrost or AC. So if the fans don't come in any circumstance then I would suspect that the fuse(s) or the relays are bad, or possibly the ground for the fans. If your car has a squarish power distribution center under the hood near the battery then check fuse D (20 amp), and fuse 20 (10 amp F18) in the fuse box under the dash. If the under hood power center is long and narrow then check fuses B (30 amp) and E (40 amp) and fuse 21 (10 amp F18) in the fuse box under the dash. Both setups have two relays and it is doubtful both would fail so I wouldn't do anything other than switching them out with other relays in the box that have the same part number to see if that changes anything about the way things are running if the fuse(s) aren't the problem.
The grounds are either by the left handlamp module (for the squarish box) or the right horn (for the long narrow box) so you can check those wires and attachments. The ground wires are black in color. So give those items a look. Finally you could jump power from the battery directly to the fan motors to see if they are working or not.