Chrysler Repair: Broken Fan on 98 Concorde, compressor clutch, air conditioning compressor
QuestionHi Roland,
I noticed recently in my '98 Concorde that the air conditioning compressor was not kicking in. In the process, I found that one of the two cooling fans was broken. By broken, I mean completely ripped off the motor and laying in the housing. My question is whether or not replacing the fan assembly should alleviate my A/C issue. I checked the relays before I physically checked the fans, and by switching the Hi/Lo and the other fan relay with the wiper relay, determined that they worked.
AnswerHi Ryan,
As far as I can tell there is no sensor in the powertrain controller that verifies the actual operation of the fan moters, so I doubt that it would shut down the compressor because of 'no fans' operation. The most likely reason for no compressor is a lack of sufficient refrigerant in the system because there is such a pressure sensor (transducer) which has to be closed in order for the compressor to get power from its thus-activated relay. But check fuses B and E in the box under the hood and fuse 21 under the dash because those provide fan power and compressor clutch closing, and fuse 21 under the dash because it powers the 3 relays to close.