Chrysler Repair: 95 Cirrus: fault code 71, voltage drop, junk yard

I checked all 5v areas you suggested for the code 71 all seem to be ok
The DLC I can only find is under the dash and I tried another used PCM from junk yard and still get no communication. I got my codes from the key dance.  The other used PCM did not give any codes except 12 and 55
any other suggestions?

Hi Tracy,
Have you tried a code reader to see if there may be something that it tells other than the code 71? Did the voltage on the violet white wire read near 5 volts at all the sensor plugs, and did you try unplugging all the sensors using that wire while observing for a voltage drop when you plugged the sensors back in, one at a time, to see if one of the sensors might be dragging down the voltage? I don't have the reference to the date of your original question so tell me it when/if you write back. For now, with no other codes, that is all I can suggest.