Chrysler Repair: Chrysler Minivan: Ignition key wont rotate in lock, chrysler minivan, lock cylinder

My ignition seems to be locked.  The key fits in but will not turn in either direction.  What may cause the ignition to lock in my Chrystler Minivan?

Hi Sharon,
A couple of things that might expain that:
1. The steering wheel rotational anti-theft lock may be jamming the lock cylinder from turning. Try turning the steering wheel both ways to a neutral position between the limits of its movement while turning the lock cylinder with the key. That may free it up.
2 The park/neutral safety interlock may be similarly jamming the motion. So try moving the transmission shift lever from its present position to a slightly different setting to see if that frees up the cylinder to rotate.
Those are my only ideas unless the lock tumblers are themselves faulty. You might try another copy of the same key if you have one as the key could be worn or damaged.