Chrysler Repair: 1999 Chrysler 300m starter: wont shut off reliably, solenoid switch, starter solenoid

I got a 1999 Crysler 300m 70,000 miles that has done this to me twice.When i go to start the car, it will start but the starter won't disengage.So i shut it off,and pull out the key, but the car keeps turning over.The starter is being rebuilt right now,just wondering if,or what selinoid i should be replacing also?  

Hi Eric,
The ignition switch provides power to the actuating coil of the starter relay that is located in the power distrubtion box near the battery. It should be labelled on the box lid or nearby. That relay could be sticking in the "on" position OR the solenoid switch located on the starter motor itself could be sticking in its "on" position. You could tell by pulling fuse G (40 amp) or even better pull the starter relay when the sticking "on" occurs to see if that stops it. If it does then the relay or the ignition switch is the problem, if not, then the solenoid is the problem. Ask the rebuilder if they replaced the starter solenoid or not. Then if they did and if it still happens, it has to be the relay/ignition switch is causing the problem. I am relying on the '98 manual for the Concorde for that suggestion which is the closest thing I have to your '99.
Of course it could be the case that there is something that is causing the ignition switch contact points to remain closed even though you turn it off, and that would be a matter of checking whether there is 12V or not on the pin labelled A of the relay socket (or another way to describe that is the one of three socket pins side-by-side which is closest to the outside of the box, as that is the pin where the output from the ignition switch is sent). It should be cold until you turn the ignition switch to starter position, and 12V should disappear when you turn the switch off.