Chrysler Repair: coolant leak from heater core, heater core replacement, chrysler newport

Hi Roland,
I have a 1972 Chrysler Newport.
On removing the old carpet, I've noticed a small coolant leak coming from behind the padding, behind the heater housing on the passenger side (inside) of my car.
Its not a big leak by any means, but it is damp. If i wipe it down, there will be a damp drizzle a few days later. I'm pretty sure its coming from the heater core. I'm wondering how much of a big deal this is. I know no leak is good,but, is it worth the trouble of removing the whole dash/heater housing to get to it? Or could i get away with leaving it?.

Hi Matt,
The oldest rear drive manual I have is for the '83 model year and you are correct that the heater core replacement requires significant diassembly.
I would be concerned that over time the continuous dampness will rust out the firewall or floor board. So if you are intending to keep using the vehicle for the indefinite future it would be good to fix the leak. You might try a treatment of the system with Bar's leak to see if you can get it to seal that way. It may very well work, particularly if the cooling system is good enough as to allow you to operate it with the radiator cap ajar and thus to not pressurize the system. That stuff is surprising in its ability to seal small leaks. But under pressure it is a greater challenge for it to work over the long haul.
Then if that doesn't solve it, the only alternative is to go ahead and fix it.
I'm looking at just that task on a '91 Jetta in our family, and I did it just 18 months ago... and it failed again. No fun. I tried the Bar's stop leak and it works so long as you don't pressurize the system. With summer and AC demands, the system has to be pressurized.
Let me know if the body of your '72 is anything like a body type still used in '83 and I can send you a copy of the page or so that lists the removal procedure. Just tell me which body letter it is (B,F,G, or X,S) and tell me a postal mailing address and I can xerox and mail it to you.