Chrysler Repair: Heater blower motor noise: 94 New Yorker, automatic temperature control, motor blows

thank roland,the heater comes on when the car is started,it come on and off at random.the motor blows and sometimes make a funny noise when it goes off.I notice the negative and positive battery was badly damaged I clip the ends and put two new post on and the problem has gone away however the noise from the motor is still there when i cut it off.could this play a part.

Hi Mike,
I still don't know if you have a digital readout or a conventional one. So I can't offer too much. If you have the digital unit you may be able to find out if there is something that the unit has discovered to be wrong and recorded it as a fault code. If so, go too for instructions. The noise could be just the blower rotor rubbing on the housing, or it could a solid state electrical control that is acting up. It is responsible for giving 14 different blower speeds, and if that were flakey it could cause the blower to come on unexpectedly. So give that a try and let me know what you learn and if you have or don't have that Automatic Temperature Control type of unit or not.