Chrysler Repair: 2.0L SOHC: loss of coolant, remaining is tan, no heat, head gasket leak, temp gauge

do you know if it very hard to change a water pump on a 1996 neon. my wife has one and i think it's out. resorvor was empty , i pulled the cap off and there was a oily subtance mixed with the antifreeze it was kind of tan in color. she said the car is also making a whinding noise and has no heat

Hi Tony,
I assume that you have the 2.0L SOHC engine; if otherwise let me know. I wonder if you have a bad water pump or a head gasket leak, or some other leak in the cooling system?
I would check the engine oil via the dipstick to see if it is frothy or has a scum. Also look for the site of any external leaks. Was there any excess smoking from the tail pipe (white steam) which would also indicate a head gasket leak? Did the temp gauge read high or the warning light come on? Don't run the risk of overheating the engine by driving it without sufficient coolant.
I would figure out the source of the leak before assuming it was the water pump. To do the water pump you have to remove the timing belt cover which involves supporting the engine with a jack and removing the right engine support if you want to change the timing belt at the same time you do the pump but that may not be your problem at all. So let me know what you can learn further about the cause of the loss of coolant.