Chrysler Repair: 97 Sebring: Battery Light on, fusible link fuse, check fuse

As I told you before w/ my battery light and ses light, is it possible that when doing the services I could have hit a wire and knocked it loose? The only time I came into contact w/ any wires is when I loosened the drain cock on the radiator and when I removed the coolant reservoir to clean it out and I had to push some wires to the side. Last night I disconnected the battery for 30min and when I reconnected the ses and battery light came back on!! I was hoping this may have resolved the problem!! Do you know of any wires on the left side of the engine that run to the battery or alternator?

Hi Colt,
Nothing under the trans that I know of. The alternator has three wires: Large red goes thru a fusible link (fuse in the form of a wire) to the + post battery clamp, thin orange/dark green goes to fuse T in the power distribution center under the hood (20 Amp and check fuse T too), dark green goes to pin 8 of one of the two 40-way plug at the powertrain controller undedr the hood (not-gray color plug, color ?). So check the continuity of those wires (with the battery disconnected using an ohmmeter or a conituity checker. See if you might have disturbed any plugs/connectors in those wires. Still getting the code 44?