QuestionThe wipers intermittantly don't work in any switch position, there is something clicking when they are turned off and on. The horn problem was the horn itself, he checked power to it and had power when honking horn. Thank you so much.
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My son has an 89 La baron, the wipers intermittantly work, and the horn doesn't work at all, please help.
Hi John,
On the horn, check the circuit breaker in fuse box position #8 (under the dash on the driver's side) and if it is thrown, reset it. If it still won't work, then you need a test light or voltmeter to determine if the problem is one of the following: clockspring wire in the steering wheel is broken, horn relay in fuse block is defective (right-most relay in the fuse block under the dash), horn itself is defective, or the wiring that connects these parts is open somewhere. If you have the inclination and test tool to do the testing let me know and I can xerox and postal mail you the text on how to do that. I need a mailing address to do that.
On the wipers: in what manner are they intermittent? The first rotation positions of the wiper control are indeed for intermittent operation, then after you are all the way past that range of rotation you get to the continuous operation (slow then fast) positions. So please tell me exactly what happens or doesn't happen as you rotate the switch so I can understand specifically what it is doing.
The fuse for the wipers is #11. So take a look at that fuse to see if it might have a crack in the internal wire that will open and close in an unpredictable manner, which would cause true intermittency.
AnswerHi John,
When neither low, high, nor intermittent work, and if the clicking is still heard as it is when the wipers work (that sound is coming from the intermittent control unit which shows that power part of the circuit is ok), then more likely the problem is the wiper motor or its grounding to the body is flaky. But listen for the sound of the motor when it is running (from outside the car). Then listen if the motor is or isn't running when wipers won't work and that would tell you is it is a mechanical intermittent disconnect or a true electrical intermittent. If it appears to be electrical, it would be worth checking that the motor mounting nuts are tight as that is the return path of the current to ground, through the body metal to the battery (-) post. If those seem tight, then it has to either be the motor or a wire to the motor that is intermittent. And that would be tested with a neon light or a voltmeter.
I am glad he localized it to the horns, but before buying new horns check that the body of each horn interface with the frame is shiny and the bolts are tight. A bad ground could defeat the horn action, though I wouldn't expect both the high and the low note to fail simultaneously in that manner; nor would I expect both horns to fail together, but either could happen.