Questioni cannot remove the ignition switch. the car has been parked for 6 months and the battery died. so i recharged the battery that is 12 volts now. but when i tried to start the van the key would not work is acts like it is the wrong key i have tried all the keys that i have to know avail. the reason the van was parked in the first place is a loud knock in the engine but no loss of power ant help you can give would be great
AnswerHi Carey,
There are three possible reasons:
The pins inside the lock cylinder are stuck such that the key is not causing the pins to mate and allow rotation of the lock cylinder. A squirt of dry graphite grease (a powder in a tube) in the key hole might improve that. Work the key back and forth.
The cylinder itself is corroded/binding to the wall of the surrounding. Some WD-40 squirted into the crack between the cylinder and the wall might help that.
The steering wheel lock mechanism may be binding due to the steering wheel pressing against the lock pin. Try rotating the steering wheel pack and forth while you try the key.
Also, the safety interlock cable on the trans which prevents operation of the starter unless in Park or Neutral might be interfering with the key mechanism. So try moving the shifter around also.
Those are my suggestions. Unfortunately the key cylinder will not come out of the housing unless you have it in the "run" position. So if you don't want to damage it don't try brute force. I suspect the combination of lubrication and "exercising" of the parts I described will loosen it up.
You can remove the lower shroud and the steering column under cover to get a view of the system and more access to do the lubrication. Let me know if you need to do that and I'll tell you how.
It is hard to diagnose knocks at a distance. It would be best if a machine shop mechanic had a chance to hear it first hand.
Best of luck on getting this started and running.