Chrysler Repair: Brake tail light repair, 96 van, filament bulb, shiny body

1996, T&C LXi van.  Left brake tail light went out and I replace the bulb (3057).  Did not work.  Interchanged with right brake tail light and new bulb worked there but still does not work on left side.  What could be the problem?

Hi Jess,
This 3057 is a single filament bulb. If it doesn't light, either as a tail or a stop light (whichever purpose the wire to the socket means it to serve) then I would be inclined to suspect that the bulb holder socket on the left side is defective. Other late van owners have told me that the bulb sockets for the rear housings were failing at a surproising rate so I would suggest getting another such socket at the parts dept of your nearest Chrysler dealer and replacing the socket which is not working. Before you do that you might want to use a pin to probe the wire to the socket to verify that you are getting 12V as compared to ground (any shiny body metal nearby) when you activate that light bulb for its purpose. If the wire is getting power then the bulb holder is defective.