QuestionI need to know how to remove a starter on a 1994 Crysler LHS. It burned out and car won't start. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.
AnswerI am using the '94 Chrysler shop manual for reference where in it speaks of a Melco starter being used with the 3.5L engine,and a Nippondenso for the 3.3L. Both follow the same step-by-step procedure. By inference it sounds like there is only one wrinkle in that the procedure is as follows:
Disconnect the battery (-) cable
Raise the vehicle
Do not remove the wiring from the starter at this time, first:
Remove three bolts attaching starter motor to engine
Remove the starter/starter solenoid as an assembly from the engine:
Position the assembly so as to gain access to the connectors
Remove the battery cable nut, field terminal nut, and push-on solenoid wire connector and the other wires
Remove the starter.
Installation is the reverse. Clean the cable and wire connectors before reassembly.
So other than that, neither the Chrysler nor the Haynes speak of any unusual steps in the process.
Let me know if you find otherwise so I can pass the info on to other owners, please.
I haven't done this one myself, so it is limited advice I can offer. The figures show there to be a "cover" mounted between the starter motor and the engine (it looks like a gasket) and the top bolt hole contains a "starter shield retention sleeve".
So you might want to familiarize yourself with those at the time you finally remove the motor so you don't loose track of those small parts.
On the Melco it shows that the starter solenoid can be replaced separately, but doesn't show that for the Nipppondenso.