Chrysler Repair: 01 chrysler t&c trouble code p1494, rubber hoses, vacuum lines
QuestionI replaced the power steering reservoir and did a power steering flush since the check engine light came on and is p1494 what does this mean??
Answer"Leak detection pump switch or mechinical failure"
You were in the area of the ldp solinoid.Its a electrical switch with 2 wires and 2 vacuum lines connected to it.I would follow those lines and make sure the one that goes to the manifold is still hooked up and that you have vacuum to the solinoid.The other line makes its to nvld which is mounted below the steering gear.But first it will go under the air cleaner housing.It will have a plastic or steel line with a rubber hose juction in a couple of places.The rubber hoses will crack and leak and could be the cause of your problem.But retrace your steps to make sure you didn't knock any lines loose.