Chrysler Repair: Short in 2001 T&C Instrument Cluster (3.8L V6), emergency flashers, turn signals
I had a problem with the speedometer in my van not working. Dealer replaced the battery, and now there is a short in the instrument panel (gauges only). Last night, when either the turn signals or emergency flashers were engaged, the instrument panel went dark and gauges to zero (lights for turn signal or flashers on four corners of van did not light up). Turn them off, and the panel came back on. Removed the insrument cluster today, and now it works (don't know why). When the turn signal or flashers are turned on, the lights in the instrument panel dim slightly with flashing of the turn signal. Is this a bad instrument cluster (which is $700 to replace) or is there something else that could be causing this problem? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
AnswerIf you removed the cluster and the condition has changed,the first thing I would do is take the cluster back out.Take some spray electrical contact cleaner and clean the terminals both on the cluster and the harness.Then take some dielectric greese and put it on the plugs.But also double check any connectors you may have inadvertbly disturbed the first time.