Chrysler Repair: 3.8L no start, crank sensor, neon glow
QuestionI have a 96 Chrysler town & country mini van with a 3.8 hads stop firing what do i need to so to fix it have change crank sensor and coil pack what do i need to get now?
AnswerHi Jimmy,
Three things:
Stop spending money on parts
Take a voltmeter or neon glow light and measure between the dark green/orange wire that is located on the plug to the coil pack and ground (the engine head)(try this with all four pins, one of them should respond as described) when a helper first turns the ignition to "run" and watch to see if you get 12V for about a second. Then crank the engine over and observe for 5 seconds and see if you get 12v for the full 5 seconds.
Finally: turn the ignition key:"on-off-on-off-on" and leave it on, doing this in 5 seconds or less. Then watch the check engine light to begin to flash, pause, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat to see if you get the same counts. Then write back and tell me the results of all these tests.