Chrysler Repair: 97 Sebring V6: engine miss, chrysler line, variable locations

Hello !

My Chrysler have only  40,000 miles
I have changed EGR Valve and Temp sensor
after Trouble codes read - "EGR failure" and "engine runs cold". The symptoms were - engine having "miss" and shaking after getting warm and on the low speed. Usually on speed higher 50 m/hour misses/shaking is not present.

So, now fter EGR valve and Temp sensors replaced the "misses" and shaking a bit less; but still present
Trouble codes was off; but now back on.

It is read 12, 43, 55

Please advise on handling  

Hi Vlad,
The 43 code is telling you something you already know: that the engine is missing. Unfortunately a miss can be caused by a plethora of things both on the fuel delivery and the spark side of the equation. I could list all the possibilities but it would make your head swim. If you can get a code readout from the 16-pin plug that is underneath the dash using a diagnostic readout box you might get a more specific code than the 43 which would tell you if it a miss in a given cylinder or variable locations, and possibly some more information on cause. You sometimes can get a free readout at a part store such as Autozone.
If that is not possible, my suggestion would be to find a very good tuneup mechanic who has the diagnostic readout box, and oscilloscope, and experience with the Chrysler line of cars and see what he can find. It is probably not a major part failure, but rather something very minor but none the less degrading of performance. Unless you have the tools and the manuals you may spend more trying to buy random parts in the hope of finding the bad one. Sometimes a sharp mechanic is your best alternative for a "miss" problem.
The 12 code is minor, it just says that the 'battery voltage to the engine controller was disconnected recently' (if for example you took off a battery clamp). And the 55 just means 'end of readout'.
So feel free to write back with further questions or a progress report.