Chrysler Repair: 1994 3.3L:code 11,21,33,54,77, crank sensor, oxygen sensors
Question1994 concorde will run great for a few days then shuts down and gets no spark. I have several different codes that are coming up, 12,77,33,11,54,21,55 !
I have replaced the coil pack replaced the harness that goes to the coil pack, has new cam sensor about to put a crank sensor in it but code 11 is new and it did this shut down thing before it gave me that code. I was told that code was for the crank sensor. My Dad says he thinks it might be a problem with the wiring harness that comes down and runs along the inside of the bumper. Any ideas?
AnswerHi Carrie,
I suspect the crank sensor is flakey (code 11) and that replacing will solve the problem. The 21`says one of the oxygen sensors is on the fritz, 33 says that the a/c relay circuit has a problem, 54 is the cam sensor, and 77 is the speed control power relay circuit. What you may want to do is disconnect the battery - post for a few minutes to erase all the codes (except 12 and 55) and then drive it for a while and see what the true current codes are. I doubt it is a harness but keep that in mind in case the crank sensor doesn't solve it. The sensor will be flakey often before it sets the code (a threshold malfunction has to occur). Be sure to leave the spacer paper on the tip of the sensor, then install it so the paper touches the flex plate. It rubs off and leaves the sensor close but not in contact with the plate.