Chrysler Repair: 94 LH: no running lights or dash lights., diagnostic capability, chrysler intrepid

1994 Chrysler Intrepid ES
Removed blower fuse since then all dash lights not working even with fuse replaced. All fuses are good. Original problem was heater stuck blowing hot air, have replaced digital control panel twice from wreckers, works for awhile then starts same issue blowing hot air until "jiggled" then might work for awhile again until stops working completely. Today the running lights stopped working although brake lights and headlights still work. Would love any suggestions on repairing the dash lights or how to fix heater problem. Starting to wonder if some wiring issue is causing all of this...Thanks soo much.

Hi Jody,
Thanks for the kind words and evaluation and nomination. I appreciate learning that what I do is helpful.
On the heater fan always blowing at high speed:
There is blower motor power module on the underside of the heater housing that is probably burned out (sorry to suggest that your husband has to go back to the wrecking yoar one more time). If he follows the wires from the blower motor on the underside of the right hand end of the unit it will lead him to a small rectangular panel with a couple of electrical plugs. That panel is held in the air distribution housing by a couple of screws. Remove those screws and the power module will drop out. When the fan only blows on one speed it is almost always that the module has failed except for the full 12V position (high) output to the blower motor. To get a better look, remove the lower panel of the edge of the dash on the right side of the car.
If he gets the same module from a wreck it should solve that problem if the one in the wreck is ok. Let me know if that plus a replacement control panel doesn't solve all the problems with the heater. There is a self-diagnostic capability you can utilize that will tell you if there are failures involving other parts of the air system.

Hi Jody,
Sorry to be a little slow in responding, I had to deliver a car I was working on to a spot that was 50 miles down the road (at rush hour, 2 hours!) so that wiped me out.
Let's split these problems up and take them one or two at a time. You can respond via the comments section of the "rate the expert tab" and then you won't have to wait for me to be "available".
The running lights and dash lights are probably one and the same. I would begin by looking at fuse #9 under the dash. Inspect it to see if it might have a subtle crack in the wire, if not totally blown. If that looks o.k., check the horn and if that isn't working either then look at fuse F (20 amp) in the power distribution center under the hood.
Try those and see if that solves the light problem.
Then run thruough the heater problem again with me. It may not be the control panel but rather one of the air doors that it operates on the heater housing. What do you jiggle, and what do you mean by stops working completely (blower, lights, temp control)?