Chrysler Repair: Key wont turn in ignition, key cylinder, extreme limits
QuestionThe key will go into the ignition, but will not turn to start vehichle.
AnswerHi Peter,
You didn't say what year an model you have, but in any case either the key/lock cylinder match up has degraded due to wear OR the safety interlock cable/mechanism that ties the key cylinder into the gearshift/brake pedal mechanism is out of adjustment. The former is an issue for a locksmith, the latter may be something you can play with. I would attempt to rotate the steering wheel from its locked limter positions to each extreme and see if that works, and then try moving the gear shift lever to the extreme limits of its range of motion (with and without your foot on the brake pedal) and see if any of those permutations free the binding up of the key cylinder.
Those are my only suggestions, regardless of the vehicle. If you get it to free, let me know and tell me the model and year and maybe I can find the info on adjusting the interlock cable to avoid it happening again.