Chrysler Repair: 1995 Chrysler t&c rear wiper inoperative, diagnostic capability, tooth comb

   I recently purched a 1995 Chrysler t&c awd, the rear wiper wasn't working. So, I replaced the motor (which needed replaced, due to some damage) I've put the new motor in and have went through it with a fine tooth comb (replaced all the nessasary fuses, checked all other fuses) but it still doesn't want to operate for me. There's a little green light that's in the switch, it comes on when it is depressed, but "nothing" happens. Am I missing something here?
                  any help will be greatly appreciated,       Charles Johnston

Hi Charles,
The closest wiring diagrams that I have are for '98. Let us assume that they are applicable.
There would then be a body control module that takes it cues from the switches on HVAC control panel. The body module is mounted behind the fuse box under the dash.
It should have 2 natural color 40 pin plugs. At the motor, there is a three wire black plug. The brown pink wire should have 12V on it when the ignition switch is in the run position. The black wire is of course a local ground.
The brown/light green wire is the one that the body module either grounds or puts 12V upon to either park the arm or let the blade run thru an internal switch in the motor. So you could take a look at the voltages on those two wires at the plug as you try runing the system to see if you see something like I described. If you see nothing, then one of the two intermediate disconnects from the front to the rear is disconnected. Let me know and I'll describe how to find those.
By the way, the body computer has a self-diagnostic capability but that would entail going a dealer to see what it has identified internally (excluding the motor circuit) as to a possible cause. But you may not have to go that route.