Chrysler Repair: 1997 Sebring P1390, crankshaft sensor, timing belt replacement
QuestionI did as you suggested and the engine cooling temp sensor is dropping resistance as the car warms up 843 ohms was the read out at runnig temp of 212f. I disconnected the ect sensor and the fan turned on reconnect the sensor the fan goes off. I am still getting code 11 on the mil, also p1390 read out on the obd scan. Intermitting CMP or CKP or Misfire numerator at limit. I dont understand when both those sensor are brand new as the distributor is also brand new and the PCM along with the cap, rotor, plugs and wires. EGR is brand new also the air idle sensor is new. The BCM is acting up but that has always been a problem long before these problem existed. Now the original Crankshaft sensor has a stonger magnetic field then the new one. The car is jerking real bad as I approach 40mph. Could the gas be bad? I drain the gas tank twice and swapped out the fuel filter no change. Could the Tranny Computer be causing the jerking and misfire? PLEASE HELP!
AnswerP1390 says the engine is no longer timed up properly. I.E. Your timing belt has jumped. STOP driving the car because you could damage it beyond more than just a simple timing belt replacement. This engine is what's called an interference engine. Meaning, when the timing belt jumps then you could have internal engines hitting themselves. Your 300-400 job could easily turn in to a 1300-1400 job.
Stop driving the car and verify base MECHANICAL timing by removing the accessory belts and timing covers.