Chrysler Repair: 1999 Sebring Car Alarm, sebring chrysler, postal stamps
QuestionI began having issues with the car alarm about two years ago. Initially the alarm would go off if the battery to the external key entry pad was dead and I had to open the car "manually". However, if I inserted the key into the outside door lock the noise would cease. Now the alarm goes off with a good battery in place and will continue to sound even though I have inserted the key into the drivers side door lock. I replaced the external key entry pad about six months ago thinking the problem was eliminated.'s back to its old tricks. At this point I'm ready to disconnect the alarm system. Suggestions? Where can I go to get wiring information?
AnswerHi Lynn,
These systems seem to be the source of problems for many owners. The closest info I have for your car is my '95 Sebring Chrysler shop manual which has a 21-page section that includes wiring diagrams and trouble shooting tips. I have not worked on a system like that myself. I would be pleased to xerox copy and postal mail you the pages so you can give it a try. If you will give an address to which I can mail it I will do so. You can reimburse me with postal stamps amounting to around $2 to cover my copying and mailing costs, after you receive the pages. It is not obvious as to how to disconnect it because it is integrated into the body computer (ETACS-ECU) so trying to fix it makes good sense.