Question88 Dakota 4X4 v6 tbi stalled after less than 5 minutes running and wont start. 127k miles. No spark at coil It reads a code 42. I checked the hall effect unit and got spark jumping the contacts.
But when checking the voltage into the unit, I get 9v. There is no resistance in the wiring to the SMEC. fuel shut off relay is functional but doesn't close.
Answer42 can be a couple of things. No ASD voltage at the engine controller or a fuel tank sending unit issue.
ASD is the circuit responsible for firing the injector(s) in the TB as well as supplying power to the coil pack.
The ASD circuit should be the dark green with a black tracer wire at the coil, the fuel pump, heated o2, and typically the injector(s) though I couldn't find the proper diagram to be 100% about it.
If you're looking at the ASD relay you should be able to jump pins 30 and 87 to complete the circuit which would allow you to check for voltage at each of the above components. Most of the time, with the key on you should have power on two pins of a relay provided the component is supposed to be on (ASD should be).
Let me know if you need more information and also check those things.