Chrysler Repair: fuel sending unit 97 LHS Chrysler, fuel tank sending unit, vacuum line
QuestionAre we talking about the sending unit that sends signal to fuel gauge. That is what I meant. Jeff
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How do remove the fuel sending unit. I am at it via the trunk. I don't know if I need to take wires off and does it screw off from tank?
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You will need to disconnect the electrical connector at the top of the pump, the fuel lines to the pump, and the vacuum line to the roll-over valve. After this you will unscrew the band clamp and pull the entire pump module upward and out of the vehicle.
Cautions: Fuel pressure will remain in the lines if you have just shut the car off. Some will even remain overnight. Be cautious when disconnecting the fuel lines. Also, the fuel pump module will have about 20-40 ounces of fuel in it and holding it straight up will will the best way to keep from spilling it. I would recomend putting a bunch of rags or towels in the truck to catch any spillage. Remove the rags/towels as quickly as possibly to prevent the odor from soaking in to things like sound deadening material, seat cushion foam and the like.
AnswerCorrect. The fuel tank sending unit is attatched to the fuel pump module. There's four wires on the connector at the pump. The two smaller wires are the ones for the sending unit while the two thicker wires are power and ground for the pump itself.